- ソフト名 :Titan Attack: Wall Defense FPS
- バージョン : C10.1
- Android 要件 : 2.3.3 以上
- 開発 : Home
- コンテンツのレーティング : 12 歳以上 中程度の暴力
Titan Attack: Wall Defense FPS詳細
Titan Attack: Wall Defense FPS is a free to download 3D first person shooter with amazing pixel graphics that create a vivid war stimulator game with a fun, classic edge. Challenge yourself to the edge as you receive your mission and go against hordes of diabolical titan enemies.
The good ones never die. That is, the good assassins. They are hard to come by as anyone in the business of killing knows. Anymore these days the hired help is too sloppy. They get too excited, too eager. No patience anymore. That's why we send our special "agents" to handle the dirty business of procuring fresh muscle to deal with the souls of all the realms who bargain their soul for our help…
Bleeding, I kicked one attacker back to confront the newcomer. Darn ingrate new agents. Don't know how to execute a perfectly easy kill, and now I had to bail the lousy no-good operative out of the excrement in which he'd buried himself. I pulled my gun out, shooting at the first man as blood sprayed through the air in a crimson mist, while at the same time I buried my fist into the stomach of the second one that lunged at me anew. I danced back lightly on the balls of my feet as I prepared to deliver my killing blow, methodically practiced to make the most satisfying end to the spiteful terrorists who plagued our lands. Without warning, a sharp and excruciating pain exploded through my being, originating from behind. My vision immediately blurred as perspiration beaded my forehead and upper lip. Body pulsing with a fiery, numbing pain, I struggled to lift my gun against this unexpected and unforeseen enemy, but another blast knocked the weapon clear from my hands. I turned my eyes toward the perpetrator only to see the agent I'd been assigned to trail and assist smirking with the barrel of his gun aimed right at me. Darn double agent, how could I not have known? I thought right before I hit the ground.
As I died, I traveled down the bright tunnel of the afterlife. It was an odd sensation, this process of dying and crossing over, as if every thought and feeling was being thoroughly examined, and what was deemed unworthy was plucked clean from my memory. Suddenly the invasive sensation left me and everything went black. That's when I heard it: "Greetings, Prisoner 11479. Your worthiness has been denied. Your sentence of service is beginning. Assigned location: Castle Garden Foarmal. Enemies: Blood Thirsty Titans. Succeed and you may pass through to the other side. Fail, and your service sentence will change to eternal servitude."
Ready for a most adrenaline pumping FPS experience? This game is an extreme challenge, but when you watch a short video ad upon the launch of this game, you'll gain leverage over the game with a super power-up that will help you against your race with the clock. Yes, you heard that right. At the onset of the level, a time will be ticking down how much time you have left to earn a permanent weapon. These video ads will come in handy throughout the game, as by watching these brief clips, you'll earn ammo which can keep you in the fight.
Game Levels:
-Castle Garden Foarmal
-Village Environment
-Rustic Town
Game Enemies:
-Titans and humans
Game Features:
-Run, jump, crouch
-Simple touch screen controls
-Intuitive user-friendly interface
-Stunning pixilated environments
-Melee and firearm weapon variety
-Brutal combat
-Health packs and ammo
-Precision shooting
-Entity map for aerial views of oncoming enemies
良いものは死ぬことはありません。それは、良い暗殺者です。彼らは殺害知っているのビジネスの誰もようで来るのは難しいです。もうこのごろ雇わヘルプがあまりにもずさんです。彼らはあまりにも熱心な、あまりにも興奮します。もう何忍耐ありません。私たちは私たちの助けを彼らの魂を交渉すべてのレルムの魂に対処するための新たな筋肉の調達汚いビジネスを処理するために私たちの特別な "エージェント"を送信する理由です…
私は死んだように、私は死後の世界の明るいトンネルを下に移動しました。それは奇妙な感覚、死んで、すべての思考や感情を徹底的に検討されていたかのように、クロスオーバーのこの過程で、どのような値しないと思われたことは私の記憶からきれい摘み取られました。突然侵襲的感覚が私を残し、すべてが真っ暗になりました。私はそれを聞いたときです。「挨拶、囚人11479.あなたの価値が否定されたサービスのあなたの文章が始まる場所の割り当て:。。。キャッスルガーデンFoarmalを敵:血液のどが渇いタイタンズが成功し、他の側に通過してもよい失敗。 、およびサービスの文は、永遠の隷属に変更されます。 "
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