- ソフト名 :Baby Manager – Breastfeeding
- バージョン : 276
- カテゴリ :出産&育児
- Android 要件 : 4.1 以上
- 開発 : Home
- コンテンツのレーティング : 3 歳以上
Baby Manager – Breastfeeding詳細
Simple and intuitive. Baby Manager will give you peace of mind by keeping track of your little one and give you timely reminders in case you lose track of time.
☛ Invaluable when:
➜ You must give details to the doctor or mid-wife on nursing, breastfeeding, diapers and their trends
➜ Your partner wants to be up to date on your precious bundle of joy and you want to keep a diary
➜ Your head is under water and have trouble remembering what happened and when
☛ What parents say about Baby Manager:
★★★★★ "Absolutely worth every penny Don't search any longer for an app to log your babies drinks, sleeps, diaper changes. This app does it app with incredible ease in a very fashionable package. Thanks for writing such a good app!"
★★★★★ "Baby Manager" says it all. I have found this app really helpful. It has helped me figure out what my baby needs when she is crying. And i really like that several people can share an account – I can track how much milk i need to express while grandma enters the volumes of her feeds at home."
★★★★★ "Great! When your'e a mom it's hard to keep up with everything. Having something to help at least with breastfeeding and changing diapers really helps. When you go to the paediatrician for the 1st time they are going to ask you all these questions. How many poops and how many pees, you can just pull this baby tracker out and be exact."
★★★★★ "Great app! helps me keep track of when I fed him. Great for Dr appointments too when he asks how often he is eating and peeing/pooping. Wish I had this app with my other kids."
★★★★★ "Very helpful! This app helps me keep track of baby's schedule. Also, I love that I can have it on multiple devices, so grandma can track her info while I'm out running errands. I can see what baby's up to while I'm out."
☛ Features:
✔ Log your sweetheart's breastfeedings, sleep sessions, diaper changes and growth
✔ Record baths, moods, temperatures, walks and medications.
✔ Ongoing notifications allow you to control events from anywhere on your phone, even outside the app
✔ The summary of last events communicates your baby's needs at a glance
✔ Friendly charts help you understand your child and breastfeeding better, gaining insights into their trends
✔ Reports show you what growth percentile your child is in
✔ Pause and resume breastfeeds and sleeps
✔ Add events retroactively into the log tracker
✔ Get access to all necessary features in this free baby tracker app
✔ The app makes monitoring your infant a breezer, letting Mom and Dad have full attention on providing care and love to your infant.
✔ Write notes for feeds, breastfeeds, sleeps, diaper changes and growth
✔ Track as many babies as you need, for free
✔ Export your data in Excel-compatible format (CSV)
☛ Social:
✔ Mom and Dad can share their loved one's log and progress with each other, making monitoring and providing infant care much easier. Your devices will always be instantly synchronised, for FREE
✔ Get your partner involved more using this app
✔ Track your little one together with unlimited people or devices
✔ Share charts with your friends on Facebook, email and more
✔ More upcoming features! シンプルで直感的な。赤ちゃんManagerは、あなたの小さな一を追跡することによって、あなたの心の安らぎを与え、あなたが時間のトラックを失う場合にはタイムリーなリマインダーを与えます。
★★★★★「すべてのペニーは、あなたの赤ちゃんの飲み物をログに記録するアプリのために、もはや検索眠る、おむつの変更。このアプリは非常にファッショナブルなパッケージで信じられないほど簡単にアプリにそれをしないでください絶対に価値がある。このような良いを書いてくれてありがとうアプリ! "
★★★★★「赤ちゃんManagerは、「それをすべて言います。私はこのアプリは本当に役に立ったと評価していました。それは私は彼女が泣いているときに、私の赤ちゃんが必要かを把握支援してきました。そして、私は本当にそのようないくつかの人々がアカウントを共有することができます – 私は私はおばあちゃんが自宅で彼女のフィードのボリュームに入りながら表現する必要がどのくらいの牛乳を追跡することができます」。
your'eは、それが何かは、少なくとも母乳育児を支援することと、実際におむつを変える。すべてのものについていくのは難しいのお母さんは助けるとき、あなたが第一の時間のために小児科医に行くとき★★★★★ "素晴らしい!。彼らがしようとしていますあなたはこの赤ちゃんのトラッカーを引き出し、正確なことができます。どのように多くの糞とどのように多くのPEES、あなたにすべてのこれらの質問をします。 "
★★★★★ "偉大なアプリ!私は私が彼を与えたときを追跡します。博士予定の偉大すぎて、彼は彼が食べて小便する頻度/うんちを尋ねられた際に役立ちますが。私は他の子供たちと、このアプリを持っていたいと思います。」
★★★★★ "とても頼れる!このアプリは、私が赤ちゃんのスケジュールを追跡することができます。また、私は、実行中の用事をしていながら、おばあちゃんは彼女の情報を追跡することができますので、私は、複数のデバイス上でそれを持つことができることが大好きです。私が見ることができるもの赤ちゃんの私が出てるしながらまで。 "