- ソフト名 :Boomerang Balls
- バージョン : 1.11
- カテゴリ :アーケード
- Android 要件 : 4.1 以上
- 開発 : Home
- コンテンツのレーティング : 3 歳以上
Boomerang Balls詳細
Boomerang Balls takes Arkanoid games to a new level! Check it out for yourself.
Swipe your finger down to shoot the balls and break as many bricks as you can. The key to perfection is getting the angles right. Can you clear the screen? Your new Breakout Arkanoid addiction!
Collect the golden rings to unlock new balls. 18 awesome balls to choose from. The more points you score the harder it will get. Once you reach 100 points the aim will disappear, you have been warned.
Break as many bricks as you can before they fall to the ground. Challenge your friends and family to beat your score.
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Thank you for playing Boomerang Balls! ブーメランボールは新しいレベルにアルカノイドゲームを取ります!自分自身でそれをチェックしてください。