Miss Preschool Numbers & Math

Miss Preschool Numbers & Math

  • ソフト名 :Miss Preschool Numbers & Math
  • バージョン : 1.0.7
  • Android 要件 : 2.2 以上
  • 開発 : Home
  • コンテンツのレーティング : 3 歳以上


Miss Preschool Numbers & Math詳細

Miss Preschool Kitty is here to teach kids and toddlers numbers, shapes and math through games children love to play the most: pony care, tea party, kitty shower, laundry and room cleanup!

Join Miss Preschool Kitty in her magical castle to learn:
– Your first numbers: 1, 2, 3.
– Your first shapes: triangle, square, circle and rectangle.
– Count to 3.
– Arrange numbers, shapes and fruits in order.
But this game is not just numbers and math! Miss Preschool Kitty will show that kids can learn a lot when they play with things children know best. Clean up the room and place pillows with numbers in a correct order. Help Miss Preschool Kitty shower and pop bubbles with correct shapes. Add small numbers and feed the pony with fruits that have the correct sum. Learning math this way sounds much more fun, right?

MISS PRESCHOOL KITTY games for little girls, kindergarten kids and toddlers:
– Clean up with Miss Preschool Kitty and learn to make your bed, organize your toys, numbers from 1 to 3, and arranging things like pillows and flowers in order.
– Play in a laundry room and learn to sort dirty clothes (whites and colors), use a washing machine and hang washed items to dry by their shape and color.
– Play tea party, make tea, decorate cupcakes and learn to set the table, share with others, arrange fruits in order and count to 3.
– Shower Miss Preschool Kitty, give her a bubbly bath and spa, and learn about personal care, shapes and colors.
– Take care of Miss Preschool Kitty pony horse: wash his fur, brush teeth and feed him the correct amount of fruits. Learn to add small numbers, count to 3 and take care of pets.
– Watch kids’ videos with Miss Princess Kitty and get extra coins!

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ABOUT TutoTOONS Games for Kids
Crafted and play-tested with kids and toddlers, TutoTOONS games cherish the childhood and help children learn the basic life skills through games they really love. Dress up games can develop creativity and art skills, cleanup games build good everyday habits, cooking games show how to help parents at home, pet games teach to share and care. These are just a few examples how TutoTOONS games let children explore the world around them and develop on their screen time.

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– あなたの最初の数:1、2、3。
– あなたの最初の形状:三角形、四角形、円形と長方形。
– 3にカウントします。
– 順番に数字、図形や果物を配置します。

– ミス・プリスクールキティをクリーンアップし、あなたのベッドを作ることを学ぶ、あなたのおもちゃを整理し、1から3までの数字、および順に枕や花のようなものを配置します。
– ランドリールームでプレイして、汚れた服(白人と色)を並べ替える洗濯機を使用し、その形状や色によって乾燥するために洗浄するアイテムをハングアップすることを学びます。
– ティーパーティーを再生、お茶を作る、カップケーキを飾ると、テーブルを設定し、他の人と共有し、順番に果物を配置し、3にカウントすることを学びます。
– シャワーミスプリスクールキティは、彼女の陽気なお風呂とスパを与え、パーソナルケア、形や色を学びます。
、彼の毛皮を洗って歯を磨く、彼に果物の正しい量を養う: – ミスプリスクールキティポニー馬の世話をします。小さな番号を追加3までカウントし、ペットの世話をすることを学びます。
– ミスプリンセスキティとの腕時計の子供たちのビデオや余分なコインを入手!

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