Sdec_FV (Final Version)

Calculation of entrance surface dose in diagnostic X-ray examinations

  • ソフト名 :Sdec_FV (Final Version)
  • バージョン :
  • ライセンス :フリーソフト
  • OS :Windows
  • 開発 :加藤 秀起

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Sdec_FV (Final Version)詳細

診断X線照射時の患者の入射表面被ばく線量を計算するプログラム Sdec の最終バージョンです。

Software on Radiological Technology.
Sdec is a program to calculate the entrance surface dose of a patient during diagnostic X-ray irradiation.
Sdec calculates the entrance surface dose according to the calculation method of Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT), using back-scatter factor and absorbed dose conversion factor obtained based on X-ray spectrum.
Sdec estimates the effective dose based on depth dose data in water calculated simultaneously.

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